What Will You Be Reading in 2023?

We’ve all seen the lists of books to read in 2023, suggested by bloggers, media franchises, and book publishers. Poets Against Racism USA has curated a list, too. These are recently published books that are by or feature PAR USA members and event participants. We’re proud of our members and supporters! Please consider adding these titles to your 2023 “To Be Read” pile! (Where possible, we provide multiple buying options.)

John Burroughs, Rattle and Numb: Selected and New Poems 1992-2019, Venetian Spider Press, 2019.

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Martin Grey, The Prettyboys of Gangster Town, Fly on the Wall Press, 2020.

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Quartez Harris, We Made It to School Alive, Twelve Arts Press, 2020.

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Twelve Arts Press

Christine Howey, I Have a Poem About That, Crisis Chronicles Press, 2023.

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Crisis Chronicles Press

Jonie McIntire, Semidomesticated, rereleased by Sheila-Na-Gig Editions, 2022.

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Sheila-Na-Gig Editions

Barbara Marie Minney, If There’s No Heaven, Poetry Is Life Publishing, 2020.

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Poetry Is Life Publishing

Rikki Santer, Front Nine: A Biography of Place, Kulupi Press, 2005. This is not Rikki’s most recent book of poetry, but it might be of particular interest to the PAR USA community as it explores the current status of a site sacred to a people who lived 2,000 years ago.

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Tabassam Shah, Red & Crescent Moons, The Watershed Journal Cooperative Publishing, 2022.

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Wayne H. Swanger, Fields of His Heart, The Watershed Journal Cooperative Publishing, 2020.

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Patricia Thrushart, Inspired by Their Voices: Poetry from Underground Railroad Testimonies, 2021.

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True Colours, Outspoken, independently published, 2021.

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Additionally, Mad as Hell: An Anthology of Angry Poetry (Simple Simons Press, 2022) features works by PAR USA members Debbie Allen, John Burroughs, and Tabassam Shah.

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So there you have it—our curated list of reading for 2023. We invite other members and supporters with books to contact us at poetsagainstracism.usa@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to update our list with your work. Thanks to all of you for joining us in the effort to challenge racism, bigotry, and hate through the power of poetry.