Inspiration from Our UK Partner

By Debbie Allen, Cofounder, Poets Against Racism USA

This year, Poets Against Racism in the UK celebrates its fifth anniversary. Having helped launch Poets Against Racism USA, the UK group presented Poets Against Racism Goes Global during the sixth annual 10-day Nottingham Poetry Festival. I was thrilled to represent PAR USA at the event. Seven featured poets, including PAR UK cofounders Robert Punton and Manjit Sahota (pictured below), as well as local poets welcomed to an open mic session performed for a rapt audience of about 75 individuals. This was the largest of all the audiences for community events occurring during the festival, and we raised over $250 for local refugee aid charities! My fellow PAR USA cofounder Patricia Thrushart provided for sale copies of her book INSPIRED By Their Voices, with all proceeds going toward those charities. The evening’s poets expressed varied perspectives on racism, bigotry, and hate and ways to address these atrocities. Patricia and I felt honored to have roles in an event so filled with solidarity, passion for cause, and love of all!

Within 48 hours of the last poem of the evening, however, a hate-filled White teen in Buffalo, New York, went on a shooting spree that left 10 dead, killing people because of their skin color. This heinous act is yet another horrific reminder that the fight against hate—whether enacted through exercising the right to vote and petitioning politicians, through engaging in social justice activism, or through using poetry to move someone to think or act differently—is critical and ongoing. PAR UK and PAR USA are part of that fight.

At the beginning of my set at Poets Against Racism Goes Global, I made clear that PAR USA would not exist without PAR UK. I do the same here and now. Manjit works tirelessly to infuse UK youth with an understanding of the power of poetry and to organize groups of UK poets to use their art to fight hate in many ways. PAR UK poets read their works at live and virtual poetry events. They join with rockers, rappers, and other artists to share their powerful art form with new audiences. They take a stand, speak out, and act as allies when they witness racism, bigotry, and hate in action. PAR USA is a fledgling—and at this point small—endeavor, but we aspire to make impacts equal to those of PAR UK. With the contributions of our growing numbers of members, website subscribers, and other supporters, we can achieve that goal. Please share with us via email ( any ideas you have for doing so. Poets from across the United States, let’s use our voices to help bring an end to racism, bigotry, and hate!